Customer Acquisition for Small & Medium Sized Businesses

5 Reasons SMBs Should Focus on Search, Not Social for Customer Acquisition Jay Taylor | Search Engine Watch Social media is all the rave, and for good reason. Fortune 500 companies are showing that social can be a very effective marketing tool, particularly when it comes to brand awareness and engagement. But how effective is social media when it comes to customer acquisition for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs)? SMBs are increasingly placing emphasis on social … [Read more...]

Content Marketing Clarity

SEO – Content | Confusion | Clarity Andy Betts Article Courtesy of:  Search Engine Watch “How Many SEO’s are Really Content Marketers?” So… you're now a content marketer and not a SEO practitioner. You're now a strategic thinker and not just a technical or tactical implementer. You’re a marketer. What’s more, you’re a holistic and integrated digital marketer. You always have been, right? Since Google introduced its Panda and Penguin algorithmic updates, we've seen a … [Read more...]

More Reasons to Blog for Business!

Poof! Your Last Excuse Against Blogging Just Vanished Article Courtesy of:  Dealer Communications by Kathi Kruse in Social Media I suspect you’ve heard it’s a good idea to blog for your store or business. Your SEO guy is bugging you.  People like me, Social Media coaches, tell you how valuable it is to become the “likable expert”. Nearly every customer service evangelist preaches the value of blogging.  You see others blogging about their business and generating leads. So … [Read more...]

Benefits of Blogging as Part of Your Inbound Mix

Everything You Need to Sell Your Boss on Business Blogging Posted by Paul Rios Article Courtesy of:  HubSpot Image credit: Mike Licht, You're an inbound marketing convert. You believe in the importance of creating relevant and interesting content for your prospects to consume. You've been reading up on search engine optimization, and have started applying the best practices to your website. You even opened up a company Facebook page and Twitter account, though … [Read more...]

Blogs: Good for Automotive & Good for Business

Dealers, Why Aren’t You Blogging? 4 Reasons to Create and Leverage a Dealer Blog Posted by Justin Braun Article Courtesy of:  Automotive Digital Marketing “Blogging is the most underutilized yet powerful marketing force that dealers have at their disposal.” That’s what automotive thought-leader Ralph Paglia said in a recent interview. No matter if you love Ralph and his advice or think he’s ‘full of it,’ studies indicate that he is absolutely right on this … [Read more...]

Social Traffic without SEO?

Getting Social Traffic on the SERPs Without SEO Article Courtesy of: Simon Heseltine It’s coming up on a year since Matt Cutts announced that social signals are absolutely used as ranking factors for your content, but that’s not what I’m going to talk about here. I’m going to talk about other ways that social can drive organic traffic to your site outside of links being retweeted or publicly shared by influencers. Personalization If you perform a search on Google for SEO, you’ll … [Read more...]

2011 Ranking Factors Guide

SEOMoz has just published their 2011 Ranking Factors Guide, which is the essential reference for search marketers to learn about the new or changing factors shaping their world. While the entire report is very large, I've pulled out some of the most important details to our readers, based on the questions and discussions that I see on a daily basis from HubSpot customers and fans. If you're interested in reading more of the report or looking at their raw data, you can find it on SEOMoz's site … [Read more...]

Media Crush – What’s Going On Here?

Media Crush LLC Let's face it the internet landscape changes as frequently as New England weather. Media Crush can forecast and prepare your business for any online climate changes.  We develop and deploy custom, scalable, and affordable long and short term strategies and solutions for you and your company. Our multi-tiered products can bring you Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Unique Lead Generation, Local Search all under the Brand and Reputation Management … [Read more...]