“Reconstructing You”

Frank Magliochetti publishes first eBook

North Andover MA:

Businessman Frank Magliochetti of Parcae Capital has an eBook out titled ” Reconstructing You” .

Frank shares personal experiences and observations in a book that can provide guidance in starting, changing or simply reevaluating your career.

To download your copy of  “Reconstructing You”  please CLICK HERE


Here is and excerpt from the publication: 

Remaking Yourself and Competing in the New Economy
It is true the “New Economy” has changed most everything for all of us. Whether you are 20 something or 70 something; as it relates to your current job, future job, job prospects, retirement and how you prepare for the future, it has been turned up side down. The process of finding a job in your chosen field use to be predictable.

You would scan newspapers, cold call human resources, network and call recruiters. Things changed a bit when the internet blossomed, the shift went from paper to the paperless internet. A further shift took place with the advent of social networks/media, the ability to network exponentially changed everything overnight. You are able to reach millions of people by just a key stroke. You can stick a video of yourself and your accolades on the internet for all to see you in your glory.
Never before has the ability to get you noticed and in front of millions as it is today. So what went wrong? Why aren’t you employed? Why have you been unemployed for longer than you have ever in your life?


To learn more about Frank please CLICK HERE .

Frank Magliochetti is managing partner at Parcae Capital.

Parcae Capital offers personalized investment banking services for emerging growth companies. We specialize in finding companies which have leading edge technology, services or intellectual property in the healthcare, media and alternative energy space. We assist both public and private companies in preparing to raise private and public capital for all phases of growth. Parcae Capital also offers comprehensive assistance in mergers, acquisitions and related services. Our work out group specializes in business restructuring and recapitalization.



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