Grateful Dead, HackySack, Ripple = Outbound Growth for Inboundcentric HubSpot

Media Crush admires the branding of lead generation as inbound marketing by start up HubSpot.

We admire them so much we give out their books to associates, partners and clients. Most enjoyable is Marketing Lessons from the Grateful Dead: What Every Business Can Learn From the Most Iconic Band in History. Read a bit more on it HERE.

Last week some info came about happenstance that was supposed to be hush hush…TechCrunch let loose that our favorite local start up, HubSpot,  was securing a new round of funding from none other  than the runners up in the  personal info and data accumulation race Google.  That’s right Google Ventures!

According to TechCrunch the company is valued in the $200 million range.

The company last raised capital – a $16 million round led by Scale Venture Partners – in late 2009. They’ve raised a total of $33.5 million to date.

CONGRATS and keep on truckin’!

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